Copyediting, Proofreading & Indexing

Do you need more basic editorial services such as copyediting (aka mechanical editing), proofreading, or indexing, as indicated by your editor, literary agent, or publisher?

These services are only available for professionally edited manuscripts or manuscripts deemed ready for these services by an editorial evaluation. A basic copyedit is performed on a previously edited manuscript and focuses on mechanics like spelling, grammar, fact-checking, consistency, clarity, and punctuation, while still in manuscript form.

Proofreading is performed in page proofs (a manuscript that has been typeset in publishing software for eventual upload to a printer). Again, spelling, grammar, and punctuation are checked, cross-references are verified, page numbers are inserted as needed, and all book elements (front matter, back matter, running heads, page layout, etc.) are reviewed for correctness and consistency.

An index is a reference tool that is created after the page proofs have been proofread and finalized, providing the reader with page references for key terms and concepts contained in the book.

“I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it back again.” ―Oscar Wilde

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