Writing PArtner

If you have life experience—personal and/or professional—that you want to share with others through the written word because you feel it will be helpful, informative, inspiring, motivational, or life- or world-changing but do not have all the skills you need to write a book, a writing partner may be the service for you. This is similar to ghostwriting, but it is not as one-sided.

This is the most intensive and time consuming of my editorial services. In this stage, I work closely with an author to create content based on existing material, research, outlines, or transcriptions provided by the author. Back-and-forth conversations, questionnaires, and interviews are integral to the writing process. As a contracted writer, I do not share in the cover credit, and the copyright of the content belongs to the author. My services help you develop your voice and content, but as the project progresses, your input of content increases and my role transitions to creative editor.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ―Maya Angelou

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